By Michael A. O’Neal
Throughout time, people have had a fascination with angels. Popular culture has often shaped our beliefs and preconceptions about these supernatural beings. Do they have wings, wear halos, and play harps? Are they men or women, and what is their purpose? Do they serve as guardians, protecting us from harm and evil? But how much of what we know and believe about angels is based on the Bible?Combining a deep knowledge of Scripture with personal experiences from his 31-year career at NASA, Mike O’Neal offers fresh and unique insights into the stories of God’s angels. As eyewitnesses to God’s glorious nature, these mysterious beings serve to inform us about His holiness, love, justice, and sovereignty. Angels never point to themselves, but draw the men and women they encounter to their mighty Creator and His Son. Questions found at the end of each chapter allow for personal reflection or easy discussion in a Bible class or group setting.
Table of Contents – An Angel’s View
(Part 1 Introduction)
1. Introductory Thoughts
2. Angel Highlights
(Part 2 Holiness of God)
Holiness Prelude
3. Angels’ Worship and Praise
4. Holy and Fallen Angels(Part 3 Love of God)Love Prelude
5. Angels and the Redemption Story
6. Agents of God’s Compassion
7. Agents of Answered Prayer
(Part 4 Justice of God)
Justice Prelude
8. The Divine Council
9. Angels and God’s Judgments
(Part 5 Sovereignty of God)
Sovereignty Prelude
10. Allegiance and Following
11. Crucifixion, Resurrection and Enthronement
A portion of the royalties from An Angel’s View will go to support the precious work of the Mount Dora Children’s Home.

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